My personal Jekyll website using the Urban theme by CloudCannon.
Features from the original template
- Contact form
- Pre-built pages
- Pre-styled components
- Blog with pagination
- Post category pages
- Disqus comments for posts
- Staff and author system
- Configurable footer
- Optimised for editing in CloudCannon
- RSS/Atom feed
- SEO tags
- Google Analytics
New features
- Command line based creation and publication of posts using Jekyll::Compose
- Form contact using Fromspree
- Comments activated for blog posts using Disqus
- Setting up Google Analytics
- Setting up Google Maps API (key restricted to this site !)
Future Features
- A wiki-like database of every little thing I came across while developing
- A multilingual version (EN/ES/FR)
- Improve the commands of Jekyll::Compose : default front matters, collection creation/edition/itemizing